"totally agree with Jersey Shore, as if there weren't enough dumb bimbos on tv"
"so true, but really no movie should be remade, it always ends up shit!"
"I get the feeling that he has fallen from grace, He was an amazing actor"
"♥lovely list♥ although Requiem for a Dream to me doesn't count, mainly because Harry really loved Marion, but she only used him to score."
"agree with Darrem Aronofsky, David fincher and Martain Scorsese. "
"nice list, in 10 Things I Hate About You, her name is Kat not Kate :)"
"you ashould add Urban Legend 3: Bloody Mary, pure torture"
"The person with the second Clockwork Orange tattoo, has awesome socks ;)"
"great list, but i must say that catwoman isn't really a cat she is a human!"
"you should definitely give Pi another shot, it is one of my favourites from Darren Aronofsky. Your taste in films are very unique."
"I can't believe Anthony Perkins wasn't even nominated. jake Gyllenhaal for Donnie darko for sure. Love that movie and Christian Bale in Amercian Psycho. Great List"
"Great List, Hilary Swank in Boys Don't cry, Cate blanchett as Dylan and Jared Leto as Mark david chapman were my favourites!!!!!"
"ummm. with days of our lives i think you ment 1995 not 1965!!! otherwise great list!"